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Animal Allies & Spirit Guides

Enchanted Planet Blog

Meeting Your Animal Allies & Spirit Guides

By the time I learned about shamanism and the concept of power animals, animal totems or spirit animals, I had already met two of my animal allies and known them for many years.

Travel through the otherworlds with speedHorse came first. I don’t even remember when it started, but all through my childhood I remember my horse running alongside the car on our family outings, like a guardian spirit watching over my soul.

Even now, many decades later, I still travel with my horse on shamanic journeys sometimes. Always a faithful and wise companion!

shamanic power animal alliesWhen I hit puberty, Wolf came in, initiated through meeting a beautiful pair of timber wolves at the Sacramento Zoo. One of them walked right up to me and stared into my eyes for several minutes.

I felt a powerful kinship. It was like no other animal encounter I’ve ever had.

Immediately, I knew I was connected with the wolf clan and I soon began recognizing other humans who were also part of our clan.

Wolf is still with me, mainly acting as a guardian, much like a watch dog. She rarely goes with me on shamanic journeys, but is always ready and watching in case I run into trouble.

What about you? Did you have animal guides as a child?

Riding the Golden Dragon of prosperityOver time I became aware of the Golden Dragon below my feet. She carries me into Otherworld realities and acts as a fierce guardian in my life. A psychic friend told me she also saw her. She seems to have a whole clan of dragons around her that I can call on to protect my home and natural environments around me.

Working with Magical Power AnimalsSometimes in Lower World journeys, an adorable little Rabbit shows up to dig new tunnels and pathways for me to explore.

Hummingbird came in most recently as my guide to to the 5th dimensional New Earth reality – and right now hummingbirds are flocking to my feeders, two or three at a time. Of course, they also have a strong connection with the faery realm.

Animal messengers in the physical world

  • In dark times owl can see the lightGreat Horned Owl seems to show up in times of change. Once one landed right next to my car when I was driving through the woods on a quiet country road. It just stood there as we looked at each other for a minute or so, then flew off, leaving me feeling uplifted and inspired.
  • Raven is a good friend of Wolf. They show up for me when I need to reconnect with Nature and remember my inner wildness.
  • Grey Whales occasionally swim very close to the beach and sometimes I’m the only one who notices. One whale even swam right under a boat I was on. They call me to expand my perspective and look deeper into the depths of reality.
  • magical power animals - weather keepersTree Frog is one of my favorites – all about transformation. I once had an amazing experience of spontaneously shapeshifting into a tree frog. I suddenly found myself swimming in a creek surrounded by hundreds of singing frogs. I felt an overwhelming urge to join the singing and felt my frog song rise up and out through my throat in an ecstatic croak. Now I will always know that the chorus of frog songs I hear when it rains is a song full of joy.

Shamanic animal spirits can bring a wealth of wisdom, healing, and joy into your life!

Here are some of the important reasons to invite animal allies into your life:

  • Embrace Your Innate Wisdom

Connecting with your personal animal spirits can help you tap into your inner wisdom and intuition. They can guide you on your journey, teaching you valuable lessons about yourself and the world around you.

  • Enhance Your Connection with Nature

Rabbit will help you dig deep into your inner wisdomIn our fast-paced modern lives, it’s easy to feel disconnected from Nature. Animal spirit guides and allies can help you rekindle your connection with the natural world. They serve as reminders of the beautiful, intricate web of life that surrounds us and the importance of living in harmony with our environment.

  • Empowerment and Personal Growth

When you form a bond with your animal spirits, you’ll find a sense of empowerment and personal growth. They can help you overcome fears, develop courage, and embrace your inner strength. By working with these guides, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your potential.

  • Unleash Your Creativity

Animal spirits are a boundless source of inspiration and creativity. They can help you tap into the creative energy that flows within you, encouraging you to express yourself freely and authentically. Whether you’re a writer, artist, or simply seeking a creative outlet, your animal allies can help you unleash your inner creative genius.

  • Emotional Healing and Balance

raven the wise tricksterAnimal spirit guides can assist you in navigating through emotional challenges and finding balance in your life. They can help you process and release emotions, bringing clarity and healing to your heart. By connecting with your animal spirits, you’ll find a renewed sense of emotional well-being and inner peace.

  • Protection and Guidance

Animal spirits make wonderful guardians and guides both in the Otherworlds and in physical life. Always call on your animal spirits to accompany you on Otherworld journeys. They can act as protectors and lead you to where you want to go, including back home if you happen to get lost. In your daily life, they can warn you of danger and give valuable advice, especially on matters of living authentically and in harmony with Nature.

  • Awakening Wonder and Magic

By inviting animal spirits into your life, you’ll open up a whole new world of enchantment and magic. Their presence will remind you of the wonder and beauty that exists in our world, often hidden in plain sight. As you work with your animal allies, you’ll find yourself seeing the world through a new, more magical lens.

Dive deep into the primordial essence of yourselfThese are just a few of the many reasons to connect with your shamanic animal spirit guides and allies.

Remember that these beautiful beings are here to support and guide you on your journey, but you have to ask for their help. Embrace their wisdom, and let them lead you towards a more joyful, balanced, and fulfilling life.

Meet Your Own Animal Spirit Allies in My Upcoming Course: The Faery Path – Escape the Matrix into the Magic!

It starts Sunday, April 30th, Bealtaine Eve – Learn More Here

The Faery Path - Escape the Matrix into the Magic!

Until next time, may your days be filled with wild-hearted adventures and the loving presence of your animal spirits!