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When Did You Discover Your Faery Connection?

Enchanted Planet Blog

Connecting with Faeries!

“When and how did you make your faery connection?”

Diomira Rose, a well known faery seer, wants to know. She sent out an email asking this question and it got me thinking.

For many of us, it doesn’t happen in a flash of insight. Sometimes it can sneak up on us, slowly over time. That’s how it was for me.

For others, it has been a part of life since early childhood – something they never lost as they grew up.

How about you? Share your experience in the comments.

Diomira goes on to explain:

She Watches Through the Veil © Bernadette Wulf - by faery connection I mean:

1. feeling a deep affinity for this energy, realm or inhabitants 
2. A predisposition to working with this realm
3. feeling or knowing you carry faery blood or your soul has faery energy
4. knowing that the faery lineage and these beings are trying to get your attention

Also was there a time in your life when you just did not feel a connection to this energy or it was veiled to you for a long time and then one day you did suddenly GET IT? As if a portal within your being opened and the light dawned. 
Or maybe it was more subtle than that?

My Discovery

It seems like I’ve always felt an affinity with the faery realm. As a child I loved fairytales – and anything magical, of course. I even had a spirit horse companion long before I ever heard of power animals.

But I think it was reading The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings books, way back when I was a teenager, that really triggered a recognition of my Otherworld home in the faery realm.

Something in me felt strongly drawn to the elves (Tolkien’s word for faeries, to avoid confusion with “gays”). I immediately sensed that they were my kin and I missed them terribly, though a part of me still wondered if they were real.

I must have had a predisposition for working with the faeries, because over time I discovered that I had faery bloodlines and that my soul has faery energy. In short, I’ve incarnated from the faery realm to assist humanity in reconnecting with faeries.

Part of Me Still Lives in Faeryland

My soul in faeryland - my faery connectionI even discovered a child part of my soul that still lives in the faery realm in a beautiful flower garden with my faery godmother and godfather. Who knew there were faery godfathers?

Though I had been feeling nudges from the faeries for decades, it wasn’t until I started taking faery workshops in my late 30s that I made a clear and conscious connection with my own faery allies. And it felt like coming home!

Learning to meet faeries in these workshop shamanic journeys made all the difference for me, since I rarely see faeries in the physical world.

While I wasn’t consciously aware of it for the first half of my life, it became increasingly clear that my faery allies have been trying to get my attention for quite a long time.

That’s why a big part of my work today is leading people on guided shamanic journeys to meet their faery allies. Many people have told me me they love them and want more, so I will keep doing them as long as people are interested.

I hope to meet you there sometime!

Learn more about upcoming guided faery journeys