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Elves: Folklore, Fantasy & Reality

Enchanted Planet Blog

Exploring the Elven Realm

Let’s embark on a fascinating journey into the heart of global folklore where many clues about our elven neighbors can be found. These beings, often relegated to a Yuletide role these days, have a rich and varied legacy that goes far beyond being Santa’s little helpers. Put your preconceived notions aside as we delve into this multi-faceted portrayal of elves across cultures and mythologies.

(Scroll to the bottom of this article to learn how to contact real elves today!)

First off, let’s go back to the roots. One concept of elves originates from ancient Norse mythology. The elves, or “álfar,” as they were known, were seen as minor gods associated with fertility and nature.

Our Elven cousins

They were believed to live in Álfheimr, one of the nine worlds described in Norse cosmology. Due to their minor deity status, elves were revered and offerings were made to them to seek their blessings, demonstrating their importance in Norse society.

In Icelandic folklore, elves, known as the “hidden folk,” are often seen as guardians of nature. Disturbing rocks or natural landmarks said to be inhabited by them could bring about misfortune.

The Icelandic elves embody a strong connection to the land and nature, reminding us to respect and protect our natural environment. Even today, roads and buildings in Iceland are planned to avoid disturbing elven habitats.

Elves in Celtic Lands

Come along now to the British Isles where, in the Celtic tradition, elves are depicted as powerful and beautiful beings (synonymous with faeries or Sidhe). They reside in the Otherworld, a place of magic and mystery, and are associated with the elements and forces of nature. They can be kind and helpful, but also quick to punish those who disrespect them, reinforcing the importance of maintaining harmony with nature and our surroundings.

Fast forward to the Middle Ages, where we find elves woven into the fabric of Germanic and English folklore. Here, they are often portrayed as small, mischievous beings with magical powers.

It’s also here that we see a darker side of elves, sometimes associated with illness or misfortune, reflecting the era’s superstitions. Perhaps these small elves are mischievous elven children who are still learning their manners!

Some, known as drow elves or Unseelie, have a reputation of being malevolent toward humans, and even other types of elves. However, it seems that most elven races have now evolved beyond turmoil and war to create a society based on harmony, beauty and peace. Having done so, they can be excellent examples and guides for us humans as we shift into a similar New Earth reality.

Modern Elves

The modern depiction of elves as Santa’s diligent helpers in the North Pole, owes much to 19th-century literature, most notably “A Visit from St. Nicholas” by Clement Clarke Moore. In this modern context, elves symbolize the joy, wonder, and selfless giving associated with the holiday season, though Santa’s elves are no more real than Santa Claus himself.

She Watches Through the Veil © Bernadette Wulf
She Watches Through the Veil © B. Wulf

In the realm of fantasy literature and pop culture, thanks to authors like J.R.R. Tolkien, elves have regained their ancient nobility and magic, often portrayed as wise, immortal beings with a deep bond with nature and unmatched skill in magic and warfare.

This portrayal highlights awe and respect for the elves and their unknown and unseen realm.

Tolkien’s descriptions of elves are perhaps closest to their true nature — generally taller than humans, slender, exquisitely beautiful and skilled in magic and craftsmanship. These are the ancient cousins of humanity that branched off to live in their own more etherial domain long ago.

Elves are not actually immortal, but they often live for many hundreds of years. In Ireland they are called the Sidhe or Tuatha de Danaan, or simply faeries or the Good Neighbors, though in most of Europe they are simply known as elves.

The True Nature of Elves

In recent years, Master Guide Kirael has provided some fascinating information on the true nature of elven beings and their relationship to us humans. Because they once went through a dimensional shift similar to what we are now experiencing, they have much to teach us about the nature of reality and how to live in the higher dimensions.

The mystery of ElvesAccording to Kirael, there are three levels or classes of elven beings:

  • the common folk like farmers and craftspeople
  • the warriors who protect the common folk
  • a spiritual class who oversee the well-being of all.

The later, he says, are the type most often found in our stories and myths.

Read what Kirael had to say about the Elven Awakening and the Great Shift.

And here is one of my favorite articles on the nature of our elven cousins, transcribed from a talk by Master Guide Kirael, called The Return of the Elven World.

A Magical Journey

Understanding the various perceptions of elves across cultures is a magical journey in itself, revealing how societies have interpreted their otherworldly experiences and personified their relationship with nature, the spiritual world, and even their fears and hopes. It also highlights the transformative power of storytelling and folklore, shaping our perceptions of magical beings like elves.

Next time you see an elf figurine perched on a holiday shelf, remember that these powerful beings represent much more than holiday cheer. They are our neighbors and distant cousins living in a dimension just slightly less dense than our 3D world.

They carry with them centuries of lore, a testament to the transformative power of wisdom and clear intention, and the enchanting allure of the unseen world.

Until our next magical journey, keep your sense of wonder alive, and remember, folklore is the echo of ancient voices that can still teach us a lot today.

How to Contact Your Own Elven Allies

Experience your own real-life connection with the elves through guided shamanic journeys in my Adventures in Elfland recorded workshop.

The land of elves is not so far away. It simply requires a shift in consciousness for you to access it. Following along with these guided shamanic journeys makes it easy.


Adventures in Elfland

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