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Emerging from Frustration and Discouragement

Work in progress - Moody BluesChallenges Are Not Always External!

I’m back. Did you notice that I haven’t posted in a while? It’s not because I didn’t want to. I just didn’t have much to post.

My artistic inspiration just sort of dried up over the winter. Funny, since we were deluged with rain here in Northern California and not much else was dry.

Then I got this assignment in a group led by the amazing Verena Fay and a whole new horizon opened up. The assignment was to take your least favorite color (baby-poop yellow/brown for me) and your favorite color (twilight indigo), plus two colors you feel neutral about (green and purple) and paint with them.

The idea is to just play around with the colors and see where they lead you. It’s a really fun exercise. You should try it!

I really like where this exercise is leading me. I don’t feel like it is quite finished yet, but it helped me break through my painter’s block. This is totally different from anything I’ve ever painted before. It is moody and brooding, yet very tranquil at the same time – a lot like Nature feels sometimes.

It doesn’t really have a message or theme, yet it carries a feeling of depth and invites discovery. I find myself wondering why this place exists. It seems untouched by humans. Perhaps it is home to small animals, water fowl, or elves. Or it could be a primordial scene from before warm-blooded creatures ever set foot on our planet – which makes calling it “our planet” sound a bit strange.

The sky and water reflection happened by accident. I was just blobbing on the colors here and there. Suddenly I noticed how it looked like a waterscape and I was off and running.

And now I’m stuck again. Should I add ducks, a swan, a great blue heron? Should I keep playing with the colors and see where they lead me?

I could even flip it over and – with a little touching up – put the focus on the water more. I kind of like it better this way. What do you think?

Work in progress - Moody Blues

This is a metaphor for life, I realize. So many choices. So many possibilities. It is time to do something different, but I find myself waiting – for what, I don’t know. It’s not like a lightning bolt is going to light up my life and illuminate everything in stark clarity. It has to be something different that emerges quietly from the still waters and dark shadows of my own creative swamp.

That leads me back to my primary mission in life – manifesting paradise on Earth. If I am not heading in that direction, I am way off track. So, looking again at this WIP, I realize that Earth is already a paradise. We humans just have to STOP messing it up.

Oddly, looking at the painting with that in mind lifts all the moody brooding out of it. What is left is the feeling of paradise.

But I still don’t like baby-poop yellow/brown!