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Unicorn Magic!

Enchanted Planet Blog

Calling the Unicorn Messengers of Light!

Have you seen the brilliant white light of unicorns and felt their blissful energy?

Unicorns have captured the human imagination since ancient times. They are a beloved symbol of magic, purity and grace as well as being living messengers from a higher dimension.

These mystical creatures are usually depicted as white horses with a single horn on their forehead, and they are said to have healing and transformative powers. Call on them when you need a burst of uplifting and healing energy. They are here to help!

To me unicorns appear as the most pure and brilliant beings of white light that I’ve ever seen. It is only recently that I have been connecting with them in a frequent and conscious way. I’ve always had an easier time connecting with faeries or elves and dragons.

Maybe my vibration wasn’t high enough to see them before, or maybe I need them now more than ever. Whatever the reason, they are here and inviting you and me to connect with them.

Unicorn Magic!

Unicorn magic!According to Diana Cooper, a well-known author and speaker on angels and otherworldly beings, unicorns are ascended horses that have returned to Earth to assist humanity in our spiritual evolution. Cooper believes that unicorns exist in the fifth dimension, which is a higher frequency than the physical world we inhabit.

She says Unicorns are powerful beings of light that radiate love and compassion, and they can help us connect with our higher selves.

This is exactly how I experience them. They have a blissful energy that never fails to uplift my soul.

In her book, “The Wonder of Unicorns,” Cooper describes unicorns as gentle and pure, with a deep understanding of the human condition. They are attracted to people who have pure hearts and a desire to do good in the world.

She also explains that unicorns can help us heal emotional wounds, release negative patterns, and connect with our intuition.

Isn’t that what we all need right now as we move into the New Earth reality? I can testify that they have helped clear my negative patterns and brought joy to my life.

In addition to Cooper’s teachings, there are many other myths and legends surrounding unicorns. In medieval times, unicorns were believed to be creatures that could only be captured by a virgin. They were also said to have healing powers, and their horns were highly valued as a cure for various ailments. Of course the word “virgin” back in those days meant an independent woman – often a temple priestess.

The Magic of Unicorns in Other Cultures

In Chinese mythology, the unicorn is known as the qilin, and is associated with good fortune and prosperity. In Hindu mythology, the unicorn is known as the karkadann, and is said to have the power to kill elephants with its horn. (Let’s hope they won’t be doing that!)

The Celts believed that unicorns were symbols of purity and innocence, and that they could only be seen by those who were pure of heart.

Today, unicorns, much like dragons and faeries, have become popular in modern culture, especially in children’s media. This is no coincidence. These beings of the Otherworlds are moving into our reality (or we are moving into theirs!) to help us heal and transform our planet into the paradise it is meant to be. Children intuitively know this and invite them in.

Though unicorns are often depicted as cute and colorful creatures that represent happiness, magic, and imagination, the true power and significance of unicorns goes much deeper than their fluffy exterior.

Unicorns are much more than just a mythical creature and unicorn magic is not just make believe! They invite us to experience the power of love, purity and transformation and they can assist us in our spiritual evolution.

Whether you choose to believe in the existence of unicorns or simply appreciate them as a symbol of beauty and magic, there is no denying the enduring and powerful appeal of these magnificent creatures.

Meet Your Own Unicorn Guide!

Unicorn magic Zoom workshop

Are you ready to meet your own Unicorn Allies? Join me for a live Zoom workshop with guided shamanic journeys to experience Unicorn Magic for yourself and connect with very your own Unicorn Guide! It’s happening on Saturday, February 25th. A recording will be available if you can’t make the live Zoom workshop.

Learn More and Sign Up Here