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What Does AI Say About Faeries and the New Earth?

Enchanted Planet BlogAre you reading articles written by computers? Probably!

I just learned about  ChatGPT and it is pretty fascinating. It’s an artificial intelligence software people use for writing articles and other writing tasks, so I thought I’d see what it said about my favorite subject:
Faeries and the New Earth!

Here’s the post AI came up with, including my edits:

five rituals to make your life more magical!Faeries, also known as fairies or fae, are often depicted in folklore and mythology as small, winged beings with magical powers. They are said to reside in the natural world and are associated with elements such as flowers, trees, and water.

[These small beings are what I would call nature spirits, but they are only one of many kinds of faeries. The faeries I generally work with are taller than humans and they usually don’t have wings. They are the elves Tolkien wrote about in his Hobbit novels and the faeries that appear in Arthurian lore, i.e. Morgan le Fay, Guinevere, Igraine, Nimue’ and the Lady of the Lake. – Ed.]

In modern times, there is a growing belief in the New Earth, which is a concept that suggests that humanity is currently undergoing a spiritual and collective transformation that will lead to a more harmonious and enlightened world. Some believe that faeries will play a role in this new earth, serving as guides and helpers to humanity as we navigate this transition.

Some people who believe in the New Earth also believe that faeries are not just figments of imagination but actual entities that can be interacted with and communicated with. They believe that by connecting with the fae and learning from them, we can better understand our place in the world and our connection to the natural world.

[Some people would definitely include myself and most of my readers! – Ed.]

There are also those who believe that the fae are not just physical beings [I don’t think anyone believes they are physical – Ed.] but also spiritual ones, existing in a higher dimension and able to communicate with us through telepathy or other means. According to this belief, the fae are here to help us remember our true spiritual nature and help us to evolve and ascend to a higher consciousness.

[Some people may believe that last sentence, but I don’t think any faery would agree. Faeries are not here to help us any more than we are here to help them. They are not angels! They exist in their own reality. SOME of them have been reaching out to humans in an effort to co-create a more harmonious world for the benefit of both our worlds, but other faeries want nothing to do with humans and may even be hostile! – Ed.]

In conclusion, the concept of faeries and their potential role in the New Earth is an interesting and thought-provoking one. Whether or not faeries are real, the idea of their presence and the possibility of interacting with them can serve as a source of inspiration and guidance for those who believe in the New Earth.

What Do You Think?

She Watches Through the Veil © Bernadette WulfThe thing I find most interesting and amusing about this computerized article on faeries is that it repeats a couple of pervasive misconceptions.

For example:

  • faeries are small winged beings
  • faeries are figments of imagination
  • faeries are here to help us

To all of these points I would say yes and no.

  • Yes, some faeries are small and some do appear with wings, BUT there are many sizes and shapes of beings in the faery realm, some much bigger than humans and most without wings in my experience.
  • Yes, we do need to use our imagination to bridge the gap to connect with faeries, BUT faeries are not imaginary.
  • Yes, SOME faeries may help us occasionally, BUT it is not their purpose and they rarely help anyone without some sort of reciprocal exchange – AND some faeries can even be dangerous.

My conclusion – be really careful about what you read online. More and more articles are being written by robots that simply gather and regurgitate what they find on the internet – and we all know, a lot of it is bullshit!

Even so, it was a fun experiment and I will definitely be more aware of AI generated information on other subjects as I surf the net. It’s a brave new world and we need to meet it bravely and with a lot of discretion!