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Why I Use Multiple Card Decks

Enchanted Planet Blog

How Multiple Card Decks Can Enhance Your Readings

One of the magical “hats” I wear is “faery-angel card reader.” It is something I’ve been doing for many years and I never cease to be amazed at how accurate the cards can be.

Just this morning I decided to pull a few cards to help me choose a starting date for my upcoming six week program (see below).

I pulled two cards for each date from two different decks and I was amazed to see that BOTH of the cards I picked for the Saturday date had the word “illusion” on them.

What are the chances of that? Maybe one in a million!

Needless to say, I’m not doing magic tricks, so illusion is not an energy I want in my program.

The cards I picked for Sunday were much more positive. And that Sunday also happens to be Bealtaine eve, so it’s perfect for starting a six week faery-themed program. No doubt you’ve heard that the faeries are quite active at Bealtaine (AKA May Day).

Card readings with multiple card decksThe cards always offer valuable guidance

Here’s a little secret about my card reading sessions. I use multiple card decks when performing readings for clients, and I thought you would like to learn more about this magical practice.

I can get good insights from using a single card deck, and most readers just use one deck at a time, but when I combine two or three, or five decks, the likelihood of synchronicity multiplies – and synchronicity is what I’m always looking for.

For example, using five card decks might give me two or three cards all pointing to better self care, or watching out for deceit, or financial prosperity. I don’t get that sort of validation from just one deck.

I happen to have a collection of about 30 decks – from traditional Tarot to all sorts of faery and animal decks. When someone signs up for a reading, I intuitively select the decks that feel right for the client. Three decks is the minimum I use for mini-readings and for larger readings I might use six or seven.

The number of cards I pull from each deck is also intuitive – sometimes just one, sometimes two, rarely more than three cards from one deck.

I write down the messages from all the cards and look for common themes and synchronicities, and I always find at least one obvious thread to follow.

Reading with multiple card decks - archetype - queen of wandsThen I group the cards into themes and use them as a catalyst for doing a channeled reading. Messages come through from faeries, angels, spirit guides, animal allies, my Higher Self and the Higher Self of the client.

Here are some other reasons why I love using multiple card decks:

    1. Painting a richer picture

Each card deck carries its own energy and unique symbolism. By combining decks, I can draw upon the specific strengths and insights of each, weaving together a more detailed and colorful tapestry of guidance for my clients. It’s like painting with a broader palette of colors, allowing me to capture the nuances and subtleties of each person’s story.

    1. Expanding the conversation

Sometimes, one deck may not fully address a particular question or concern. By incorporating multiple decks, I open up the conversation to various perspectives and allow for a more comprehensive understanding of the situation. This multi-deck dialogue helps me to provide my clients with a fuller, more complete reading that speaks to their hearts.

    1. Strengthening the connection

Working with multiple decks allows me to tap into the different energies and vibrations each deck carries. This helps me forge a stronger connection with the cards and, ultimately, with my clients. It’s like having a chorus of voices offering guidance, all in harmony with one another.

    1. snicker snack - page of swordsEnhancing creativity and intuition

The process of blending multiple card decks also helps me to stretch my intuitive muscles and deepen my connection to my inner wisdom. By working with various decks, I am constantly exploring new ways to interpret the cards, combining symbols and meanings in fresh and unexpected ways. This creative approach helps me to better serve my clients and deliver readings that truly resonate with their souls.

    1. Personalizing the experience

Lastly, using multiple decks enables me to tailor each reading to the individual client, selecting the decks that best align with their energy and the nature of their question. This personalized approach ensures that every reading I perform is truly one-of-a-kind, reflecting the unique journey and spirit of each person who seeks my guidance.

I hope this peek into my reading process has inspired you to explore the world of card readings and maybe even try working with multiple decks yourself. It can be a lot of fun and very helpful when you are faced with decisions and confusing choices!

Until next time, may the magic of our Enchanted Planet surround you and guide you on your path!

Oh yeah, I promised to let you know about my upcoming six week program. It’s called The Faery Path – Escape the Matrix Into the Magic!

We will be connecting with faery allies, animal spirit guides, and plant spirit allies to build a community of humans and faeries working together to bring in the promised New Earth Golden Age of  harmony, peace and prosperity for all.

The New Earth is right here, ready for us to claim it! Are YOU ready?

The Faery Path - Escape the Matrix into the Magic!

Learn More & Sign Up Here