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You Can’t Fix the Matrix

Enchanted Planet Blog

Why You Can’t Fix the Matrix

“You can’t fix the Matrix.” That’s what my spirit guides told me when I was stressing over the state of things in the world.

By the Matrix I mean the old world order that values power above cooperation and profits above life. I mean the corporate power structure that is polluting our planet and undermining the quality of life for humans and animals alike.

Are you feeling caught in the Matrix?I’m learning, slowly, how to ignore all the crap that gets reported in the news. However, I don’t want to be completely clueless, so I do a quick check of the headlines most days.

That can be tricky, because so much of the news is really depressing — and it seems real.

I mean, people are actually dying in wars, micro-plastics are really being found in human hearts, fires are definitely raging all over the planet. Stuff is happening and it’s not the sort of stuff I want to dwell on and invite into my experience.

I want to do what I can to make things better, however, and that’s where I run into problems.

I’ve known, since I was about twelve years old, that a big change is happening in our world. Something important, wonderful and magical is unfolding. Frankly, I thought it would happen a lot sooner, but after decades of expectation I am finally seeing the momentum building.

A new reality is growing right in our midst — side by side with the Matrix reality. So we have a choice.

We can focus on the old crumbling reality or on the new magical reality that hums with harmony, peace and plenty for all beings.

ElflandThe Matrix will go on, at least for a few more years, if not decades, but it doesn’t have to be our experience.

We can shift into the new reality right now — but the catch is that the shift will trigger all our inner Matrix programming to come up and hit us in the face.

All the hurts, resentments, fears, beliefs about lack, feelings of inadequacy and other negative patterns we have been living with all our lives will come up to be purged — because we can’t take them with us into the new reality.

This can be challenging, to say the least. Old painful memories may come up. We may find ourselves feeling more vulnerable than usual. We may not be sure of which direction to go next.

That’s all okay. We are going through a major change, so we have to be gentle and understanding with ourselves.

Good News!

The good news, especially for those of us who love visiting the faery realm, is that we can easily tap into the new reality whenever we like. It is already right here. Simply shifting our focus a bit can make all the difference.

Feasting with elvesThe New Earth reality has been alive and well in the faery realm for thousands of years.

The faeries had to go through their own shift to get there, but they did it very long ago. Now we can benefit from their experience.

(I’m not talking about the Nature Spirit type faeries. They have always lived in harmony with nature.)

I’m talking about our ancient cousins known as elves or Sidhe. Long ago, they had wars and conflicts as we do, but they learned to transcend that reality. Now they live in peace and harmony and they invite us to join them.

In fact, as far as I can tell, that is the express mission of the Avalon faeries. Reuniting the human and faery realms and helping humans shift into the New Earth reality has been their purpose at least since Arthurian times.

So they tell us, “Don’t try to fix the Matrix. It can’t be fixed. Leave it behind and come join us in the new reality of harmony and delight.”

Are you ready? Let’s make it so!